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Are you a .CLUB member?

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Of all of the new domain names (Generic Top Level Domain or gTLD for short) being released I think that .club will generate the most interest due to the huge range of clubs around (or common interest groups)  – sporting, creative, support … the list is endless.

  • And so on …

Of course the benefits of having a relevant domain name are obvious – Ballarat Archery Club would surely rate highly in search results if their web-page is hosted at

BUT BE QUICK … even if you don’t currently have a website it would be worth registering the name NOW. There are many individuals ( commonly known as cyber-squatters ) trying to make a quick $$$ by registering a desirable name & selling at a grossly inflated price.

Find your perfect web address! Register a .CLUB name with Stickyweb.

Enter a domain, keywords, location, or name: 


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