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Never lose your keys again

TrackR Bravo

Now why didn’t someone think of this before

This little device is the TrackR Bravo – you attach it to your keys, wallet, dog – anything valuable, and with the TrackR app you can locate the lost item in seconds.

The app displays the distance between you and the item & with a quick tap, TrackR can ring your misplaced keys hiding under the couch pillow.

Clever eh? But it works in reverse too – lose your phone? Press the button on your TrackR Bravo & it will ring your phone … even if it’s on silent!

Now the REALLY innovative part … If you lose something and it doesn’t appear to be in your near vicinity, TrackR’s Crowd GPS network steps in – When ANY TrackR user is within range of your lost item, you receive a GPS update.

That’s really clever! (& the network of users is growing rapidly)

Of course, if you lose something somewhere in your house, or would like to pinpoint exactly which bed the cat is hiding under, a little more accuracy would be nice!

Enter the TrackR atlas

This little unit plugs into a wall socket in the room you want to monitor, connects to your home WiFi & via its built-in Bluetooth 4.0 monitors when tagged items move in & out of range

So when you ask the app “Where did I leave my keys?” it will respond with the actual room they’re located in … then you can pinpoint the lost item using the Bravo ring function

TrackR atlas - never lose your things aagain

You can even have TrackR alert you when a tagged item enters or leaves an area – so when Fido jumps the fence you will receive an alert & via the Crowd GPS network hopefully locate him immediately (saving a fortune on Council Impound Fees).

TrackR devices are already available and the atlas is currently  being funded on Indiegogo having raised 314% of their initial goal, but you still have 26 days to join in & benefit from the value-packed perks offered to backers.