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What Content to write?

Content Meeting

Take note of the headline! – “What Content to write?” It doesn’t say “What flash new image technology should I use” … (I call them ‘things that spin’) are designed to make your site look good – but you DON’T NEED THEM! The simple truth is … Your website doesn’t have to look good to work!!!

But before I get lynched by an angry mob of Graphic Designers, let me state that a web site CAN look great and work, but the words are the key … Get them wrong and all the ‘things that spin’ in the world won’t save you. Surveys have shown that one of the most disliked ‘features’ of web sites is slow loading pages – so if you’re going to include large images, or anything that impacts on your page loading time, you had better have some pretty compelling words to capture your visitor’s attention whilst they’re waiting, waiting, waiting …

Now let me annoy all of the copywriters and web designers out there … There’s one person who can put together the best words for your site – YOU!
Nobody else understands your business, your product, your customers.
Nobody else has toiled with a passion to build your business into what it is today (or what it will become if you’re starting out)

Sure, let a copywriter, fine-tune your words, or a designer tweak your look – but the content, the words,  the nitty-gritty stuff needs to come direct from YOU!